
Toyohara Chikanobu, "Hojoe, Autumn"
Pickup currently unavailable
The Buddhist ritual, hojoe, was practiced to demonstrate one's respect for living things by capturing and then releasing, rather than killing, small animals. Here a small boy is excited to see a small turtle held captive on a string. The ritual is often practiced in Fall, as shown in the background of this triptych.
Date: c. 1895
Size: Oban Triptych
Condition: Excellent color and condition, backed
Frame Shown: 22" x 40" x 3/4", Classic Wood, Clear Walnut
Toyohara Chikanobu (1838-1912) was one of the Meiji-periodâ's most prolific and well-known master woodblock printmakers, particularly in the genre of beautiful women prints (bijin-ga). His woodblock prints exemplify the skill and craftsmanship of woodblock printmaking following height of ukiyo-e in the Edo period.
Custom matting available for triptych prints. Sizes will be determined for best presentation in consultation with customer - overall size range will be 20" - 22" (height) X 38" - 40" (width). Note that additional shipping charges apply (sorry, no international shipping available for matted triptychs).
Japan Center
1581 Webster Street, Suite 203
San Francisco, California, 94115
Telephone/Fax: +1-415-567-4390
Email: info (at)